Secret Treasure at the Urban Area ・城市森林裡的寶藏

Where is the closest green park around you? Well, I guess it is a bit hard for you to figure it out if you are living in Hong Kong. I can only name several famous parks in Hong Kong. Actually, we d… Source: Secret Treasure at the Urban Area ・城市森林裡的寶藏 I am now having another…

Metal Recycling in Hong Kong・香港的廢鐵回收

No doubt that metal recycling is one of the dirtiest jobs in the world. You work so hard, yet you earn just a few. Hong Kong as a well-developed city, metal recycling industry still exists. It is a… Source: Metal Recycling in Hong Kong・香港的廢鐵回收 I am now starting The Street Snap. Find out more at…